Solar Farm Cleaning
Peak Solar Pro goes beyond solar farm cleaning to provide “NextGen PV Soiling Mitigation” services. Our solar farm cleaning services are just one of our many service offerings in the PV soiling mitigation space.
We offer solar farm cleaning services for all kinds of solar installations in Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Our solar farm cleaning services include
- Large rooftop solar installations
- Large ground-mount solar installations
- Floating solar installations
- Agrivoltaic solar installations

Solar Panel Cleaning Installations
Our Equipment
Peak Solar Pro is equipped with the best equipment to handle just about any solar panel cleaning challenge. Having the right equipment is critical as each solar farm cleaning challenge is unique. Our solar farm cleaning services are done with purified water with TDS levels of less than 10.
We work with 2 main types of solar panel cleaning equipment
- Tractor Brush System – ideal for large solar farms
- Solar Panel Cleaning Robotic System – ideal for carports and commercial and industrial installations.
Our tractor brush system has been carefully designed to work with solar installations with narrow spaces in between arrays.
Our solar panel cleaning robotic systems give Peak Solar Pro an edge. We are efficient and we take care of your solar assets. Our solar panel cleaning robots have been tested and we can guarantee that our machines will not damage your solar panels;
- Poorly designed and untested machinery can and will create microcracks
- Brushes with high abrasion levels will prematurely remove antireflective coatings which give solar panels a 3-4% performance boost
- Edge Detection Technology to keep bystanders and assets safe. Our machines automatically detect and edge and stop.
Our Safety
Solar panel cleaning exposes cleaners and bystanders to multiple risks. Our solar farm cleaning services carefully mitigate these risks by training our personnel. Our company is OSHA compliant.
Solar Panel Cleaning In Massachusetts and Rhode Island.
Peak Solar Pro recommends that solar farms are cleaned at least annually in the Massachusetts and Rhode Island area for the following reasons
- PV soiling reduces performance
- Power Reliability – PV soiling reduces power production consistency.
- Solar Asset Life – Solar asset owners that clean their installations on a regular basis will meet asset life expectancies.
- Warranty Compliance – Almost all solar panel cleaning manufacturers require that the solar panels are cleaned regularly for the warranty to be valid.
- Reduce hotspot developments